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Starter code for the Duke project

User Guide


Dory’s TaskList is a program that helps you keep track of your tasks.




1. Keeps track of tasks

Lists the tasks currently present in the task list.

2. Conveniently updates task list

The tasks in the task list can be easily added, removed and changed. The tasks you have listed can be searched.

Add a Task

1. To do

Adds a to do task which has a description and no deadline.

Command: todo DESCRIPTION

For example, if the user types todo art homework

The expected outcome would be:

I will try to remember it:
[T][X] art homework
Now you have 4 tasks in the list.

2. Event

Adds an event task that describes an event that would occur at a certain date.


For example, if the user types event meet nemo /at 2020-02-19

The expected outcome would be:

 I will try to remember it:
 [E][X] meet nemo (at: Feb 19 2020)
 Now you have 5 tasks in the list.

3. Deadline

Adds an deadline task that describes an event which has a deadline that it needs to be done by.

Command: deadline DESCRIPTION YYYY-MM-DD

For example, if the user types deadline search for nemo /by 2021-01-01

The expected outcome would be:

 I will try to remember it:
 [D][X] search for nemo (by: Jan 1 2021)
 Now you have 6 tasks in the list.


1. List tasks

A list of the tasks in the task list will be printed.

Command: list

An example would be:

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...
1.[T][X] go for classes
2.[T][O] swim
3.[D][X] complete assignment (by: Feb 19 2020)
4.[E][X] presentation (at: Jan 1 2020)

2. Delete a task

Deletes the task at the specified index.

Command: delete INDEX

For example, if the user enters delete 2

The expected outcome is:

I've removed it:
[T][O] swim
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

Expected outcome: Task number 3 is deleted.

3. Mark a task as done

Marks the task at the specified index as done.

Command: done INDEX

For example, if the user enters done 2

The expected outcome is:

Great job! I've marked it as done:
[D][O] complete assignment (by: Feb 19 2020)

4. Search for tasks

Lists the tasks that contain the specified keyword.

Command: find KEYWORD

For example, if the user enters find class

The expected outcome is:

Here's what I've found amongst all the marine litter:
1.[T][X] go for classes

5. Update task description

Updates the message of the task at the specified index.

Command: updatem INDEX MESSAGE

For example, if the user enters updatem 1 go for math classes

The expected outcome is:

I have updated it:
[T][X] go for math classes

6. Update task date

Updates the date of a event or deadline task at the specified index.

Command: updated INDEX YYYY-MM-DD

For example, if the user enters updated 3 2020-05-02

The expected outcome is:

I have updated it:
[E][X] presentation (at: May 2 2020)